Lane split like a boss

& a glimmer of hope for the garage space

🧠 Need to know this week…

  1.  🍳 🏍️ Bikes & Breakfast is in Closter, NJ this Sunday at Patisserie Florentine

  2. 🏫 Here’s a great review of the California Superbike School and here’s some footage of my own shenanigans doing level 3

  3. ☎️ The Cardo Packtalk Pro is now available and shipping

  4. 🤑 Take a tour through the latest brand gear discounts we’ve got

  5. 🧪 Apple tests their iPhones against motorcycle vibrations. Who’s gonna be the first to remove their vibration dampener from their mount?

  6. 🧥 👖 SA1NT’s Force Straight Armored Jeans & Engineered Jacket are the perfect denim combo for summer. Super stretchy and armor everywhere. Use NYCMOTO20 for 20% off.

  7. Check out the NYC MOTO Routes; subscribe to the Riders Club to get the Google Maps & GPX links

Split those lanes but do it like this

This is one of those situations where I actually end up following my own advice.

This is exactly what goes through my head when I lane split through traffic in NYC and on the highway:

Commit. Nothing worse than going right and then going left at the last second. I literally saw a buddy go down last weekend because of a last second decision and then slamming on his front brake with the wheel locked left. Splitting with consistency means riders behind you know what to expect and you’re not scaring the shit out of grandmas in their Buicks (well, not too much).

Watch your braking. Use more of your rear brake as a maintenance brake for better stability but obviously rely on your front in emergency stops.

Know the law. Regardless what you think about lane splitting, it’s downright illegal in NYC and all surrounding states. I haven’t been stopped yet and I split in front of cops in and outside the city all the time. With that said, don’t be a dick while doing it and you should be OK. I’m not a lawyer.

Watch the car mirrors. For a number of reasons: One: watch people’s eyes darting left and right and anticipate what they’re going to do by how they look. Do they look crazy af & agitated? Stay tf away. Two: if you’re splitting tight then pay attention to the height of the mirrors. Your squeeze space gets cut down big if you’re passing throw car mirrors on both sides. SUV/pick-up mirrors are great since they’re higher but umm, watch your head, yeah?

Stay the hell away from merge lanes. Merge lanes in busy areas are notorious for asshats not knowing how to drive. Get in the opposite lane and watch your right/left for idiot mergers.

Don’t superman through cars. I can’t tell you how many videos I’ve seen with gixxers slicing between cars doing 50mph+ while the cars are at a standstill. Those are people with families you’re passing. Your plastered no-gear ass on their hood/rear window will scar them for life. Most I’ll go is around 20mph and even that seems excessive.

Use your throttle. I don’t care what you think about loud pipes saving lives. I believe in it and this is one of those times. Blip your throttle if you feel like there’s a chance you’re not being seen. This matters during merges, cars looking to change lanes, and cars drifting into your lane. This obviously only applies to those blessed with louder exhausts. For those that have stock exhausts, use your wee horn.

Stay in the same lane. Especially if you’re in a group. Nothing worse than a group splitting multiple lanes on the highway. Drivers will move over to create space for you but straight into your buddy on the other side.

More coming next time…

In the meantime, here’s some splitting on 495:

😇 Another update on the Garage/Lounge

My original vision for the space included space for 50+ bikes, a lounge, members-only access, and a bunch of other rider amenities that only a community like NYC MOTO could deliver.

Since putting this together and finding partners for the space & logistics, it’s slowly fallen apart due to the construction costs of the space we were going to move into.

There is a bit of a glimmer of hope.

One of the huge challenges of riding/living in the city with a motorcycle is parking. I’ve heard this from a bunch of people that are constantly having issues locating garages they can park their bike.

I’ve found a friendly garage that loves the idea of dedicating a relatively large space to riders right in Manhattan (Midtown East) and I am working with them directly on next steps. No middlemen this time.

More to come soon.

🥇 The NYC MOTO Riders Club

The Riders Club has been mostly flying under the radar but it’s time to open the cage.

Here’s what being a member of The Riders Club means:

🌟 You’re supporting the only newsletter for riders in NYC. I work hard as hell bringing you this content and hunt down brands, routes, gear, and stories I know you’ll love. It’s a full time job and subscribers to the NYC MOTO Riders Club make it possible.

🔗 All of the Google Maps links & .GPX from our ride guides. Simply click on the links and follow the same turn-by-turn directions I did. I include .GPX links as well.

🛣️ A new route every week. There is an email blast that goes out on Thursdays to only those that subscribe to the Riders Club. It features one new spectacular route every week.

🤑 Exclusive discount codes to the 🔥 hottest gear. Some of the discounts are higher value than the free subscribers and you’ll also see some exclusive gear/brands entirely.

Give it a shot with a 7 day free trial:

Or if you’re the non-committal type, buy me a cup of ☕️ coffee. Honestly though, I’d probably just spend it on a pair of gloves.

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Until next time!

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