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  • NYC MOTO Riders Club Ride: 220 miles to Hoodoo BBQ

NYC MOTO Riders Club Ride: 220 miles to Hoodoo BBQ

Hairpins, fast sweeps, tight corners, and no-traffic backroads

This isn’t the fastest way to get to Hoodoo BBQ from the Palisades but it might just be the best.

The Route

  • MILES: 222

  • TIME: 5 hours

  • START: Palisades Mobil Gas Station

  • FINISH: Hoodoo Browns BBQ

This isn’t the first time I’ve gone down this stretch but I’ve learned a few things.

First of all, I’ve learned a thing or two about the anatomy of a good route:

  1. Twists are great and everyone loves them, but:

  2. Highways are necessary. You need a dose of highways for a change of pace. You can decide how fast you go on the highways. They also act as the ferry between your destinations and keep your mind & body focused on what you came out to do. Highways aren’t the destination but they help you get there faster.

  3. Stop often. Stop at all the gas stops. Fine, not all of them. But stop frequently, even if you don’t need gas and especially if you’re on bikes not meant for longer trips. Stopping every 60-80 miles for a few minutes works for me.

With that said, I cut out a significant portion of backroads and focused just on the main points of the ride: twists, sights, and food.

Couple of notes for this route:

  • We’ll start on the Palisades at the Mobil Gas Station. I’m not sure why we always use this gas station as a meeting point. The gas station takes Apple Pay (don’t have to dig for your wallet) but it has one of those awful pumps that requires you to pull back the shroud to get the gas out. BS.

  • 9w sweeps. This particular stretch of 9w (after the Palisades) is FAST and has fantastic views up top if you want to pull off. I never do. I’m usually leaned over and doing bad things on the road. These are the best fast sweeps you can find less than an hour from the city.

  • First lunch option. The Mountain Brauhaus restaurant is a good stop as long as you have time. It’s German food so think brats, sauerkraut, schnitzel, etc. But everything (even the brats) somehow takes 1hr+ no matter how busy they are. It’s a great stop before the hairpin & twists but make sure you have the time and don’t load up too much on the food.

  • Watch the hairpin. Right after the restaurant, watch out for that damn hairpin on route 44/55. It sneaks up on you and the sign is easy to miss. I’ve seen people go off multiple times. The road after the hairpin on the way to the Valero gas station at the T intersection is gold so hammer it or stop and enjoy the views.

  • 55/42 is the payoff. After that, 55/42 is the best riding you’ll see outside of 23a up north (which is always packed). Keep in mind a few things:

    • There is a hairpin but it’s an easy one to watch for

    • You’ll hit very little traffic, if any at all

    • Some of the riding can get a bit technical with most of it likely done in 2nd-3rd gear

    • You’re riding right along a creek under some canopy so take care if it rained the night before. You might see some gravel and debris.

    • Gas stations are sparse on this loop. If you stopped at the Valero after Brauhaus, you should be OK. If not, there is another station about halfway through that also happens to have 🔥 sandwiches.

  • Cold Spring. Riding through Cold Spring on the way to 301 should be a pleasant ride. You’ll ride in with the coast on your right so feel free to pull off. You’ll ride through Main Street which has plenty of opportunity for coffee/snacks.

  • Route 301 is a good road that used to be great. It’s twisty but the road repairs leave a lot to be desired. Still worth it and it’s on the way to BBQ.

👉️ Calimoto & .GPX Download Links 🔗 

Click on the Calimoto link or download the .GPX file below for a full waypoint by waypoint route.

Open it in Calimoto on your phone to follow the whole route turn-by-turn.

I’ve tried numerous waypoint apps (Apple Maps, Google Maps, Rever, Detecht, etc) and Calimoto is by far my favorite and easiest to use.

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