How to ride in the winter

plus... last day to enter the giveaway

🧠 Need to know this week…

  1. 🆓 This is literally the LAST DAY to enter the SA1NT gear giveaway click here to enter

  2. 🛞 🛞 Two Wheel Tuesday is at 18th Ward this week

  3. 🔋 Another hybrid from Kawi. The Z7.

  4. Peak Design is running a sale on their used stuff. Great time to get that phone mount system I’ve been talking about.

  5. Ducati outed their Panigale V4 SP2 30th Anniversario 916

  6. ❓️ What’s it mean to be a real biker? And other subjective shit.

  7. Jesus Christ Jason Bourne would ride this scooter.

How to ride in the winter

First of all, I’m not an expert. I do however ride year round and put on some heavy miles on my Streetfighter.

Riding in 40F is very different than riding in 80F. Tire grip changes, your body is colder/stiffer, and your overall enjoyment of riding takes a different turn.

Most of my riding through the winter is done to get my ass from point A to point B. No matter how you slice it, riding in almost freezing temperatures just hits different.

It’s certainly possible - and I’ve ridden in temps below 30F - but man does it suck. The amount of additional gear you need is absolutely ridiculous and takes out a ton of the enjoyment.

But again, it is possible! And maybe it’s a bit easier if you’ve got a GS or Multi or whatever with heated ass cheeks, grips, wind protection, etc etc etc.

Aside from the gear, keep these in mind if you’re setting off in the cold:

  1. Your tires have less grip, especially if you’re running Supercorsas or any track oriented summer tire. I can’t underscore this enough. Some tires turn into ice skates at anything below 48F.

  2. Stay the fuck off the road if the temps are sub-freezing. Black ice is a thing and so is wind chill.

  3. Speaking of wind chill, try to stay off the highways. Wind chill at 80mph hits different.

  4. Heated gear is great but if you feel a chill, pull over and give yourself a break. The more uncomfortable you are in the cold, the dumber you become. For real, decision-making becomes slower.

  5. Stay off the twists. It’s just too damn cold. Tires don’t grip well, wind chill fucks you up, and ice is just around that blind turn.

  6. Goes without saying but unless you’re into going on an adventure in your adv, stay out of the snow. Street tires are useless.

  7. Your visor will fog up so if there is a Pinlock attachment for yours, get one asap. Bonus points for helmets that have a slight detent to help with airflow. Oh, and close your helmet vents.

  8. Do everything slower. Grip sucks on cold tires/roads so you’ll need that extra bit of space to react.

  9. Just because your bike is in a heated garage (especially if you park in Manhattan) doesn’t mean that your tires will stay warm. A 35F road will cool them down in a hurry.

together with…

NYC MOTO is partnering with SA1NT for a truly amazing giveaway for October/November.

SA1NT is based in Australia and makes some of the sickest moto gear I’ve owned. Comfortable, great protection, priced right, and looks great.

SA1NT has graciously provided the Unbreakable Jacket & Pants to NYC MOTO and we’re giving them away straight to you guys.

Don’t wanna wait? Hit up SA1NT and score 20% off with coupon code NYCMOTO20

Check out the jacket:

Do yourself a favor and take this route

A few weeks back, I linked to a route I put together out by Ashokan.

The route itself was fantastic but was missing a few key elements:

  1. I didn’t get any riding footage of it because my GoPro decided to rebel

  2. Almost ran out of gas so I wasn’t able to really enjoy the road

  3. Had to bail early due to a worn tire in our group

That road stayed in my head and I vowed to go back again this season and do it right. Last weekend, I did just that and took 3 friends with me.

What an amazing ride.

If you’re going to hit route 44 (and you should if you’re doing this outside of a heavy traffic day), you’ve got two hairpins on the route. Call them out in advance if you’re riding with others as they can come up fast if you’re moving.

Check out the route and hit up the Youtube video for the full section of 46/2/52:

🥇 The NYC MOTO Riders Club

The Riders Club has been mostly flying under the radar but it’s time to open the cage.

Here’s what being a member of The Riders Club means:

🔗 All of the Google Maps links from our ride guides. Simply click on the links and follow the same turn-by-turn directions I did. I include .GPX links as well.

🛣️ A new route every week. There is an email blast that goes out on Thursdays to only those that subscribe to the Riders Club. It features one new spectacular route every week.

🤑 Exclusive discount codes to the 🔥 hottest gear. Some of the discounts are higher value than the free subscribers and you’ll also see some exclusive gear/brands entirely.

🌟 You’re supporting the only newsletter for riders in NYC. I work hard as hell bringing you this content and hunt down brands, routes, gear, and stories I know you’ll love. It’s a full time job and subscribers to the NYC MOTO Riders Club make it possible.

Give it a shot with a 7 day free trial:

Have questions about the club? Reply to this email or hit me up on Instagram.

🌟 Feature your product or service in the newsletter

NYC MOTO is the only motorcycle newsletter for the NYC/NJ/PA tri-state area. We carefully review sponsorship opportunities to make sure your product/service aligns with and adds value to our readers. You can ask about advertising opportunities by simply replying to this email or heading here for more info.

🙏 Join the NYC MOTO Free Facebook Group

Go ahead and hit up the NYC MOTO Community to keep the convo going.

Until next time!

👉️ Buy me a cup of ☕️ coffee. Honestly though, I’d probably buy a pair of gloves.

p.s. Sign up for the NYC MOTO newsletter here or share it with a friend


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